Software Localisation & Testing

Our software localisation services leverage our own custom language software and translation tools as well as off-the-shelf visual software localisation packages and specialised programs in the market.

Working with some of the largest companies in the world, we have rich experience in adapting and testing software products and mobile applications to ensure they meet the linguistic, cultural and regulatory requirements of a target market or region.

We work with visual software localisation and specialised programs such as Passolo and Catalyst to adapt the graphical user interface of embedded systems for medical devices, testing equipment and point-of-sale terminals.

Our solutions help our clients convey the source text’s message and follow the norms and conventional expectations of software users in the relevant locale. We also ensure consistency between all translated user interface elements and accompanying documentation, such as help files, screenshots and manuals.

Mobile apps and games must target and adapt to many different device sizes, alongside more traditional desktop environments – so screen space is always a technical limitation that needs to be factored into the localisation process. Our software localisation specialists tackle this, making sure that software translation strings fit the available space across all visual and touch-input elements, while also handling any audio prompts that may require translation.